Arm-pit Botox

Arm-pit Botox

Arm-pit botox; is a procedure developed with the help of injection developed for excessive sweating problems. Botox is among the many treatments available for excessive armpit sweating. Before having arm-pit botox, the necessary examination procedures should be performed by a specialist doctor. If there is no problem after the examinations, the procedure is started. To help you make an informed decision; You can keep the process under control by asking your doctor about the injection cost, effectiveness, insurance coverage, side effects, etc.

What is Arm-pit Botox Used in the Treatment of Hyperhidrosis?

Arm-pit treatment for hyperhidrosis is a botox application. When body functions do not work properly, possible symptoms are stopped with botulinum toxin injections. It is a legal treatment method used in 20 countries today. It was first approved in 2004 and used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. It is recommended that you work with a doctor who is an expert in the field for the application process to proceed smoothly.

How Does Arm-pit Botox Work?

Arm-pit botox; is used to treat axillary hyperhidrosis. It works by blocking the secretion of the chemical that activates the sweat glands. During the procedure, the doctor applies a numbing agent, then injects about 50 units of botox into each armpit with the help of a small needle. You can resume your normal routine immediately after your treatment session. The application covers a fast and painless process.

Is Arm-pit Botox Effective in the Treatment of Hyperhidrosis?

Medical and academic studies have recognized the effectiveness of botox for hyperhidrosis for most patients. An international study conducted in 2014 reveals that botox can be applied safely. However, Botox does not completely stop sweating. Botulinum toxin injections reduce sweating by 75%. Many patients who have had the application report satisfaction.

How Long Do Arm-pit Botox Results Last?

The effect time of arm-pit botox differs from person to person. Increasing the sessions also affects the permanence of the results. Effective results occur between one and two weeks after the application. Dry armpits are observed for three to six weeks after Botox injections. For the continuation of the mentioned dryness, it is necessary to continue the treatment routinely. It should be noted that factors such as exercise or stress can accelerate the body’s metabolic response to botox, which may cause the results to fade faster.

Does Insurance Cover Arm-pit Botox in Applications for Axillary Hyperhidrosis?

The coverage of arm-pit botox is a matter of your service policy. Although this situation is included in many insurance contracts, the scope of coverage does not include everyone. It’s important to know that coverage doesn’t always mean a full refund. You may have to pay part or all of the bill. To see if you are covered for Botox, first review your health insurance plan and have your doctor approve you. To help streamline the process and increase your chances of getting coverage, you should first consume other options such as natural supplements, over-the-counter topical and prescription products, or oral anticholinergics.

What Are the Risks and Side Effects of Botox for Axillary Hyperhidrosis?

Although Botox is FDA-approved, mild to more serious side effects can occur. Although Botox is only injected into the armpits, the side effects can spread to other parts of the body. Botox for axillary hyperhidrosis has some side effects. Swallowing, speaking, or breathing problems may occur. These effects; can be serious and cause death. You should not have botox injections if you already have difficulty swallowing, speaking or breathing. Muscle weakness or fatigue is observed. Botox can cause muscle weakness and numbness, so it is not recommended for those with muscle or nerve conditions. Vision problems may occur. Possible vision problems include double vision, dry eyes, blurred vision, dizziness, and drooping or swelling of the eyelids. Allergic reactions may occur. These include itching, rash, red itchy welts, wheezing, asthma symptoms, lightheadedness or feeling faint. Attention should be paid to interactions with other drugs. Using Botox with certain medications can cause serious side effects. These include prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Before choosing botox treatments for hyperhidrosis, consult your doctor and explain all your medications and supplements. Loss of bladder control may be observed. Headache and neck pain may be felt.

What Are Botox Alternatives for Axillary Hyperhidrosis?

Botox for hyperhidrosis is considered an invasive treatment with the potential for serious side effects. This is not the only solution for axillary hyperhidrosis. Botox alternatives include prescription or clinically effective antiperspirants. Antiperspirant wipes such as SweatBlock or Dermira can be used, which must be prescribed by a doctor. Oral medications can be effective. MiraDry, an electromagnetic microwave therapy that is considered a safe procedure, can be applied. Home remedies can be applied. Another alternative is sweat-proof shirts. These shirts are the only patented sweatproof undershirt on the market designed as a non-invasive solution for axillary hyperhidrosis. For some patients, the cost and potential risks of botox are very high. Some people who have the procedure experience compensatory sweating (excessive sweating in other parts of the body) as a side effect. Before opting for invasive treatments like Botox, you can try sweat-wicking undershirts for men and women that are 100% guaranteed to let arm-pit sweat stain your clothes and shake your confidence.

Who Is Suitable For Arm-pit Botox?

At the beginning of the eligibility criteria for arm-pit botox is to be over the age of 18.

Botox is only recommended for severe cases of axillary hyperhidrosis that cannot be treated with topical solutions. For best results, your doctor should review your health history and other treatment attempts before giving you approval for arm-pit botox. It’s best to explore non-invasive options like sweat-proof clothing or prescription antiperspirants first. Additionally, people with certain medical conditions or taking certain medications should not opt for botox treatment for hyperhidrosis.

What are the Causes of Excessive Sweating?

Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, is when the body goes beyond producing sweat to regulate our body temperature and continues to do so even when it has cooled down. It could be something you’re naturally predisposed to, a side effect of a medication, or a symptom of another condition. Sometimes the triggers can go beyond exercise or high temperatures. Effects such as cold, alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, stress, anxiety or other strong emotions can present excessive sweating problems.

What Can Be Done for Excessive Sweating?

Possible problems can be prevented by excessive sweating precautions. Among them, antiperspirants and deodorants can help suppress sweat. The global market for these products was estimated to be worth around TL 5.6 billion in 2018, this statistic shows the density. Although it is preferred, the duration of effect is often not permanent. Topically, stronger prescription deodorants can help, but there isn’t much that can be done to combat it other than filling in some bulky sweat shields to absorb the excess. At this point, botox can be preferred as an alternative.

How Does Arm-pit Botox Work?

Arm-pit botox works to neutralize the nerves that run the sweat glands. These overactive glands are paralyzed by the botulinum toxin and shut them down in that area. Therefore, sweat is not produced. The armpits are among the most sensitive areas of the body. Covering the seating area with a numbing cream before botox application reduces the feeling of pain and irritation. Then, on average, about 10-15 small, sharp needle sticks from under each armpit. The execution time of the process is quite fast. It can occur within the first 10 days for its effect.

What Should You Know About Arm-pit Botox?

By paying attention to the points that should be known about arm-pit botox, the process can be kept under control before and after the application. Apart from any medical risk that your doctor should explain to you about pain and botox, it is not a dangerous application. Contrary to popular belief, because the sweat glands work independently, closing the glands in one area does not divert sweat to others. In addition to all these, sweat stains that may occur in the hollow part of the armpit are eliminated and the person is comforted. The restriction of intraday movements is stopped. You can move more comfortably in close contact. Being a costly procedure, this can be an investment and may seem drastic, but it can be life-changing for those suffering from true hyperhidrosis.

Can Home Remedies Be Prepared for Hyperhidrosis Problem?

To support the arm-pit botox applied for hyperhidrosis, you can create support by doing some applications at home. Accordingly, natural methods are among the home alternatives for hyperhidrosis.

If you suffer from hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating, you may wonder if any natural remedy will help you. At this point, you can start by getting your nutrition in order. You can alleviate the process by reducing carbohydrate consumption. Another recommendation is to reduce dairy products and strengthen the immune system. You can take a shower with fragrant aromatic oils. You can shape your clothing style through fabrics that do not sweat. The existence of options that can be expanded with various alternatives can make your work easier.

In Which Areas Is Botox Applied Except Arm-pits?

Botox, which is among the treatment methods of hyperhidrosis, can also be applied to other parts of the body that tend to sweat. Among the areas where botox can be applied, other than the armpits, there are many application areas such as hands, feet, skin, chest and under the breast, groin, head, face, nose. Botox procedures performed in the hand and foot regions may reduce the effect time compared to other regions. In addition, the occurrence of complications is high. The procedure may also be more painful in these areas. Some experienced doctors may also use botox to treat sweating of the face, groin or breasts. Those who inject into these areas need detailed knowledge of complex muscles and tissues for safe and effective treatment.

How Much Does Arm-pit Botox Cost?

The price information of the arm-pit botox application may vary according to the application clinics. In addition, the number of practice sessions is another factor that shapes the total amount. It is safest to contact your doctor to obtain precise information about the costs of an arm-pit botox application.

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